Sunday, April 19, 2009

Multimedia assignment

The first story I chose was called "Paper plane garage." Although interactive, I would not call it "newsworthy." I would say however that the multimedia component kept the page interactive, and kept me clicking until the end. If used for a child, there were several useful links to teach them how planes fly, complete with moving arrows and increasing/decreasing gradient to describe gravity and lift. Also, it followed a logical path toward learning about paper airplanes and other planes. There was also a link to e-mail the page to a friend, which might be a handy tool for someone who was looking to help a child with a school project, possibly. However, with my internet connection some of the pages loaded rather slowly, decreasing my interest in the page. I gave up looking at this link when some of the embedded links did not work properly.

I also looked at a story called "Listen to the sounds of Motown." I was interested in the topic, so I though it might be a fun read. Again it was interactive, and it was nice to be able to click around at will to listen to whatever year I wanted and to not have to go in a particular order. However, I did not like that the music played as soon as the year opened up, because if you were trying to keep up with the news say at work or in the library and had your speakers on, the music would play instantly, which was irritating. Occasionally it also took longer to load than I would have preferred. I also thought it would have been nice if the links at the bottom of the page would have given a preview of what was in that year that you were clicking on. Additionally, I felt that the page focused so much on being interactive that it lost some of the news quality it could have had.

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