Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What's Happening to the News?

I love the Daily Show. If I were to go back to seeking a journalism career, I would go either in the independent, blog-type news, or the satirical, Daily Show-type news. I feel that even at WSU, the Murrow mission has lost its focus, and even our world-renown communications program is becoming more like the rest of the news: tabloids and paparazzi.

As one of the interviewees said, "Simply passing on rumors is not journalism. Simply telling people what they want to hear is not journalism." Well put!

Citizen journalism seems more valid and in-depth than most popular media, and this drives me away from what people are calling "traditional journalism," though what it is in reality is very far from traditional.

In the end, I think what is making such poor journalists is the fact that they rely on money to run. Stations like PBS are still very good at presenting unbiased, reliable news. I think this is because they are federally funded. I think that if stations like FoxNews or CNN were federally funded they would slowly shift toward making reliable news, not just news that sells.

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